Sustaining Creativity during a pandemic
A huge thank you to the funding bodies who are helping so many musicians get through this difficult time. Their help and assistance means that musicians like Tori can continue to remain creative at a time when it would be so easy to stagnate. A big huge thank you to:
ARTS COUNCIL ENGLAND - their Emergency Relief Fund has given many musicians plus artists from all genres the opportunity to remain creative and focussed at a time when they would be struggling just to make ends meet.
PRS FOUNDATION - Tori is one of only scores to receive a Sustaining Creavity Award which is supporting ‘outstanding talent in flexible ways’ during this time. The grant will be used to support a large ensemble writing project.
HELP MUSICIANS TRANSMISSION FUND (PICTURED ABOVE) - Tori is one of just 43 successful applicants for this opportunity to undergo study and be mentored. She will be studying and honing her craft with some of the finest composers and saxophonists on the International scene. Help Musicians have also helped Tori over the years with a continuing issue with her hands and some major dental work. Without their help so many in the profession would not have had the help and support to continue working due to health issues and their assistance is received by all with the utmost gratitude.
HELP MUSICIANS DO IT DIFFERENTLY AWARD - The Alcyona Mick/Tori Freestone Duo have been given this award to write and record new music for their second album. This will be an exciting album written especially for this ensemble also to feature Brigitte Beraha on a few tracks.
This help and assistance has turned a challenging year into a positive. MANY MANY THANKS!!!