At Leibnitz Jazz Festival, Austria - the opening band for the festival and recorded live for ORF (Austian National Radio)
Performing at the forefront of the British jazz scene as a side women for over a decade working as a core member with such diverse bands as the Ivo Neame Quintet/Octet, Andre Canniere Sextet, ‘Compassionate Dictatorship’ (her own co-led group with Jez Franks), The London Jazz Orchestra (holding the tenor 1 chart), Loop Collective’s Rory Simmons, and her co led duo with Alcyona Mick as well as artists such as Hermeto Pascoal and the UK All Star Big Band, the Julian Siegel Jazz Orchestra, the Cuban group ’Orquesta Timbala’, saxophone colossus Andy Sheppard and trumpeter Neil Yates has given Freestone a wealth of experience that have shaped her playing and composing. This is highly evident on her trio albums. A robust tenor sound, melodic invention and a balance between wit and playfulness in her original songs mark Freestone’s music out, not to mention a strong willingness to blur the lines between the written and improvised. Comprised of long-time musical associates in the uber-creative drummer Tim Giles and highly original bassist Dave Manington, the trio has been developing Tori’s repertoire which explores the openness that the saxophone trio allows while taking inspiration from some of the non-chordal sax led trios of the moment. This group dynamic has culminated into a program of music that has been developed over a number of years and, excitedly, was recorded for Freestone’s first appearance as a leader on Whirlwind Recordings on 'In the Chophouse' which attracted wide critical acclaim and resulted in her being commissioned to write for the trio by the London Jazz Festival which was performed alongside Henri Texier at the QEH in Nov 2014.
At Sudtirol Jazz Festival, Italy (courtesy of Franco Silvestri)
Debut album 'In the Chophouse' released on Whirlwind recordings April 2014. All About Jazz Top 10 albums 2014. Listen to excerpts here
Her second album with the trio 'El Barranco' soon followed released in 2016 again on the trans Atlantic label of the moment 'Whirlwind Recordings' and again attracted a lot of press attention in the UK and especially abroad in Germany, Austria, Spain, Italy and Canada, culminating in concerts at the Sudtirol and Leibnitz jazz festivals, tours of Germany and a live recording on Austrian national radio plus interviews for the BBC, Jazz FM and radio Bremen (Germany). Tori was also shortlisted for the Parliamentary Jazz Awards Jazz instrumentalist of the Year and the Arts Foundation Award for Jazz Composition in 2017.
Second album 'El Barranco released July 15 2016. Europe Jazz Network Jazz Media Chart Top Pick. Listen to excerpts here
In 2018 the trio have performed further concerts in Germany and the UK developing new material. The rapport and bond the group have built between each other after playing together for so many years in so many musical situations has reached further heights more recently and has been commented on by reviewers and audiences alike in all the countries they’ve visited on tour. They go back into the studio in December to record their third album, due for release in 2019. The new material has been composed by Tori in her beloved second home of Tenerife and is influenced by both her experiences on the London jazz scene in the robust nature of the playing and at the same time infused with folk influences from her background. The openness with which the trio interpret her rhythmically diverse yet melodic compositional style proves an exciting listen for audience members.
From moments of intensity and volume to passages of calm, folk-influenced soundscapes, In the Chophouse and El Barranco showcases three highly experienced and eclectic musicians at their very best. From the first note their approach to openness allows the music to dictate the proceedings which also invites the listener to take a strong role in the interpretation of the music. Freestone’s assent to solo artist has been a timed move, but one that has been certainly worth the wait. It is no wonder that the trio are becoming highly in demand abroad as well as in their base in the UK and the new album will be one that is highly anticipated.
At Manchester Jazz Festival (courtesy of Adrian Pallant)
"I really dig her; she’s so organic and this track is playful. She sounds very relaxed, but she’s got a real burn to her playing on the tenor saxophone. This track has a really nice live feeling to it, with weaving lines and constant listening, supporting and interacting from the bass and drums. She plays the entire time on it and my ears never get tired", Ingrid Jensen' 'Artist Choice' Article Jazz Times
Europe Jazz Network's Jazz Media Chart top pick Aug 2016
"this is a formidable improvisers' showcase of reflectiveness and fierce intensity" John Fordham, The Guardian ★★★★
"the three musicians gel together perfectly, exuding skill and harmony within an all-too-rarely heard chordless formation." All About Jazz ★★★★
"Freestone's hypnotically inventive improv is a deeply personal one and 'El Barranco' proves she's a tenor saxophonist worthy of more recognistion" ★★★★Jazzwise September 2016 4* review
"Saxophone, bass and drums trios can be the purest form of jazz - or the purest form of torture. Without the warm, insulating layer of harmony, melodies float free above groove, and it takes a player with not only virtuosic technique, but also the range, imagination and taste to keep things interesting. UK saxophonist Tori Freestone is such a player, balancing a strong melodic intelligence with a playful, at times reckless sense of adventure. But the real key to this second recording of her trio with bassist Dave Manington and drummer Tim Giles, is the fluency of the language these three long-time colleagues have developed together, weaving in and out of thoughts, which makes the absense of chords entirely moot" ★★★★ Irish Times
"There's a certain dryness to the tenor-plus-rhythm format which is counteracted by Freestone's rich tone, and by the unpredictability of the writing - you can never be exactly sure where any of the tracks are going to take you, and the sense of being led on a journey is one of the most enjoyable aspects of the record, Aug 1 2016, Eddie Myer"★★★★ Jazz Views
"Free flowing, free style... a totally personal jazz combo sound."
★★★★ Jazz Journal
"This is a powerful follow up."
Hi-Fi News & Record Review (album choice October)
Freestone and her colleagues have established a remarkable mastery over the border territory where composition meets improvisation and their collective sound is consistently intelligent and increasingly unique with the folk elements a particularly distinctive component",★★★★ The
"Brims with passion and invention' ★★★★ Kind of Jazz
"Everything on this CD gels perfectly... A CD which is both imaginative and accessible."
The Northern Echo
An impressive outing......full of colour, chromatic diversity and rich nuances.”
★★★★ Written In Music
"Natural aplomb and powerful musicianship."
Morning Star
"Another interesting, varied and enjoyable recording."
Sandy Brown Jazz
“'El Barranco' is a gem... A highly professional affair.”
Concerto Magazine, Austria
Die englische Tenorsaxofonistin Tori Freestone gehört zur Speerspitze der heimischen Improvisationsszene. In den letzten zehn, 15 Jahren hat sie sich mit ihrem facettenreichen Können sowohl als Bandleaderin wie auch Sidewoman einen hervorragenden Ruf erspielt. 2014 veröffentlichte sie gemeinsam mit ihren beiden langjährigen Freunden und Musikerkollegen Dave Manington (Kontrabass) und Tim Giles (Schlagzeug) ihr Debütalbum „In The Chop House“. Diesem bescheinigte die Kritik neben melodiöser Fantasie, Erfahrungsreichtum und der Bereitschaft, die Grenzen zwischen Geschriebenem und Improvisiertem zu verwischen, eine ausgewogene Balance zwischen Esprit und Verspieltheit. Entsprechend gespannt war man auf dessen Nachfolger. Dieser setzt die begonnene Soundexkursion unmittelbar fort, hört auf den Titel „El Barranco“ und erscheint wie sein Vorgänger beim renommierten Label Whirlwind. Auch bei der Besetzung setzt Freestone auf Kontinuität. Kein Wunder, durch die langjährige musikalische Zusammenarbeit sind Giles und Manington umstandslos in der Lage, die Kompositionen ihrer Chefin so nuanciert wie vollständig auszuloten. Insofern überrascht es auch nicht, dass die meisten der neun Stücke auf „El Barranco“ gleich im ersten Take aufgenommen wurden. CD-Actuell
Music full of space, passion and wit.”
Rhein Main Magazine, (Germany)
Die englische Tenorsaxofonistin Tori Freestone gehört zur S p e e r s p i t z e der heimischen Improvisationsszene. In den letzten zehn, 15 Jahren hat sie sich mit ihrem facettenreichen Können einen hervorragenden Ruf erspielt. Dem Debüt Ihres Trios bescheinigte man melodiöse Fantasie, Erfahrungsreichtum und die Bereitschaft, die Grenzen zwischen Geschriebenem und Improvisiertem zu verwischen, eine ausgewogene Balance zwischen Esprit und Verspieltheit. Der Nachfolger setzt die begonnene Soundexkursion unmittelbar fort. RheinMainMagazin
I“[Freestone] changes moods and sound colors at will but without ever losing the thread.”
Sound & Image. sound and (Germany)
Im Prinzip wird auf „El Barranco” das weiter ausgeführt, was auch schon auf dem Album In The Chop House zu hören war. Tori Freestone, Saxophonistin aus dem United Kingdom, führt ihr Können einmal mehr vor und hat sich dafür unter anderem von ihrer heimlichen Liebe Teneriffa inspirieren lassen, daher auch der Titel und das Artwork. El Barranco de Masca ist eine gebirgige Ecke im Westen der Insel. Und auch das Album hat wieder so einige Ecken und Kanten, wie im Trio-Jazz üblich, wo Improvisation an vorderster Front steht. Tori Freestone wechselt Stimmungen und Klangfärbungen nach Belieben, spurt von melodiösen Strecken zu mehr oder weniger holprigen bis freigeistigen, ohne aber nie den Faden zu verlieren. Ihre Partner Manington (Bass) und Giles (Drums) nehmen dabei die immer wieder in die Runde geworfenen Bälle der Chefin gekonnt auf und geben ihrerseits ein schlüssiges Feedback. Modern Jazz für Insider und Verehrer von ausladender und manchmal auch etwas anstrengender Improvisation. sound and
Nach “In The Chop House“ aus 2014 erscheint mit El Barranco nun der Nachfolger der britischen Musikerin. In meiner Besprechung zum Vorgänger hatte ich positiv bemerkt, dass eine wirkliche Gemeinschaftsproduktion vorliegt, weil die Musiker gleichberechtigt nebeneinander wirken. Das kann ich genau so gelten lassen für die neue Platte, denn bereits ab dem ersten Stück wird Einheit gepredigt, mühelose Interaktion, spielerisch verzahnte Melodiebögen und ein Aufeinander-Zugehen der einzelnen Mitwirkenden, die sich Spielraum anbieten und dabei abwechselnd eine kurze Führungsrolle übernehmen. Das Team ist offensichtlich bestens eingespielt, es sind die gleichen drei Akteure. Beim ersten Song habe ich gar den Eindruck, dass Tori sich erneut stark zurücknimmt und ihren Begleitern den Vortritt lässt. Dieses hatte ich beim Vorgänger bereits zusammenfassend für die ganze Platte geltend bemerkt. Doch nun gilt dieses nicht mehr durchgehend. Bereits beim zweiten, dem einer traditionellen Folk-Weise zugrunde liegenden “The Press Gang“ setzt die Saxofonistin klare Akzente und bringt mich gedanklich gar in die Siebziger, als es John Surman war, der britischen Volksweisen neues jazziges Leben einhauchte, seinerzeit auch im gleichen Trioformat, mit Barre Phillips und Stu Martin. Und nicht nur einmal empfinde ich den Ausdruck des Saxofon-Spiels als wesentlich befreiter als bisher, nur auf dem Standard “All Or Nothing At All“ wird sehr einfühlsam Tradition auf moderne Weise bewahrt. Aber insgesamt ist die Stimmung der Platte relativ ruhig gehalten, und eruptive Elemente finden in der Stille statt, und so fließt “Challenger Deep“ als eines der wohl interessantesten und mitreißenden Songs cool und perkussiv blendend untermalt, das Bild einer durch die Wüste ziehenden Karawane vermittelnd, lasziv dahin, und es fällt auf, dass sich Tori möglicherweise ein wenig am Saxofon-Sound von Albert Ayler orientierte, zumindest ansatzweise keimt dieser Gedanke auf. Sie versteht es hier, die kraftvollen Elemente auf das Wesentliche zu reduzieren und diese Energie aus der Ruhe heraus, und mit Ruhe, zu entwickeln. Allen Titeln gemein ist dieses Gefühl von Raum, der sich öffnet, sehr groß, aber auch endlich ist, und innerhalb dessen befruchtende Gespräche aller Beteiligter stattfinden. Aber auch schnellere Songs führen nicht dazu, dass so etwas wie hektische Unruhe aufkommt, bestes Beispiel ist “Cross Wired“. Mit einem Reprise von “The Press Gang“ endet diese Platte mit Musik voller Leidenschaft und ganz besonderer Prägung, die in der Tat irgendwie britisch klingt. Nur die Zugabe reduziert sich auf ein Gesangs/Violinen/Bass-Trio und könnte glatt auf eine Folkplatte passen. musik an sich
“A melodic yet playful blurring of the boundaries between the written and the improvised.”
Medien Info, Germany
"Freestone's improvisations are a real treat and the album is a true pleasure for the listener."
Der Hörspiegel, Germany
"El Barranco" is an authentic recording, jazz, with charm and a wonderful tenor saxophone sound."
Melodiva, Germany
"A blend of jazz and folk with much improvisational freedom."
Musikreviews Magazine, Germany
"Adventurous, innovative and full of feeling.. In Music (Germany)
All About Jazz Top 10 albums of 2014
“I really dig her; she’s so organic and this track is playful. She sounds very relaxed, but she’s got a real burn to her playing on the tenor saxophone. This track has a really nice live feeling to it, with weaving lines and constant listening, supporting and interacting from the bass and drums. She plays the entire time on it and my ears never get tired", Ingrid Jensen' 'Artist Choice' Article Jazz Times"
Freestone has clearly listened widely, but her musicality and broad experiences have stirred all that input into an imposingly original sound", John Fordham, The Guardian ★★★★ review
"This absorbing collection heralds the arrival of a fine trio and a new talent in the thriving British jazz scene—here's to more good times around the corner", Phil Barnes, All About Jazz ★★★★★ review
"This is a tightly integrated trio in which Tori’s adventurous tenor sax lines mesh with Dave Manington’s bass and the drums of Tim Giles. The three work hand in glove to produce some fascinating improvised lines, always melodic, always swinging and always of interest to the alert listener" Derek Ansell, Jazz Journal ★★★★★ review
"Tori Freestone is a great communicator, and a there’s playfulness among the serious chops....the musicians have a strong rapport, honed since student days, and listening is pure pleasure- that delicious tenor sound" London Jazz review
"there’s plenty of explorative and absorbing trio interplay, a Eureka moment just a breath away.....Freestone has her own playing voice here and the trio display real rapport that’s stimulating and fresh." Marlbank 4 * review
"For In The Chop House her debut as leader, the saxophonist-composer explores the more exposed, harmonically open-ended format of the sax-bass-drums trio... Freestone is inventive, feinting and jabbing at themes and in often playful dance-like conversation with drums and bass....a recording that has a real depth to it" ★★★★ review, Jazzwise Magazine
“In the Chop House” sees Freestone taking on the challenge of the saxophone trio and succeeding. The album title is also doubtless a playful reference to the “chops” of the musicians, something they clearly have in abundance, but the music is about so much more than that. This is the sound of a trio taking risks and having fun but underlying it all is a thoughtfulness and an innate and undemonstrative musicality built entirely upon mutual trust." The Jazzman
"Her interpretation of Gershwin’s Not For Me shows her sensitivity to melody, a strain that is clear in her own compositions and in her improvisations which have a strong narrative line and highly aware sense of structure and harmony. It’s that harmonic sense, and the strongly melodic playing of both Manington and Giles, that make this a saxophone trio album that never sounds too sparse or lacking in a chordal instrument" The Jazz Breakfast
"Freestone's boldness is amply rewarded. She brings a pleasing freshness and invention to the music."
The Scotsman
"Tori Freestone has been a tremendous surprise. She has a unique album with much sincerity and without artifice." Zona de Jazz, Spain
"In The Chop House is a noteworthy debut - technically impressive and delivered by a musician who's voice is mature, beautiful, refined and solid from years of honing her craft. This record is a modern jazz treat that will surely keep the purists happy." The Girls Are Magazine
"Tori Freestone Trio In The Chop House llllw Intakt Records, Vertrieb: Harmonia Mundi Auf ihrem Debüt “In The Chop House” stellt sich die englische Komponistin und Saxophonistin Tori Freestone einem durchaus ambitionierten Unterfangen, als Leaderin ihr Bass'n'Drum-Trio mit ihrer durchgängigen Präsenz über die ganze Länge einer Aufnahme zu tragen. Mit dem Bassisten Dave Manington und Drummer Tim Giles stehen ihr zwar zwei Begleiter zur Seite, die künstlerische
Richtung bleibt aber fast immer in ihren flinken Händen und ihrem zumeist expressiven Spiel vorbehalten, wobei auch Freestones lyrisch formender Charakter Platz findet. Das erinnert an viele andere große Saxophonisten, speziell an Steve Coleman, der seit vielen Jahren ein ähnlich zentriertes Konzept wie Tori Freestone verfolgt. In ihrem Material greift sie neben den eigenen Kompositionen auf einige selten in diesem Klangbild zu hörende Stücke wie Joni Mitchells “Both Sides Now”, “George Gershwins “But Not For Me” oder das von berühmten Kolleginnen wie Sinéad O'Connor, Sandy Denny, Kate Bush oder Van Morrison interpretierte irische Traditional “My Lagan Love” zurück. Ein Album mit intensiver englischer Kost, zu der auch das titelgebende “Chop House” (Steak House) passt. tHo" Concerto Magazine April 2015 edition, Austria
'Vydavateľstvo Whirlwind Recordings Michaela Janitscha pokračuje v žatve nových albumov, ktoré vydáva so železnou pravidelnosťou každý mesiac. Dnes vám predstavím debutový album britskej skladateľky a saxofonistky Tori Freestone, ktorá vládne robustným tónom a melodickou invenciou, ale takisto aj viacerými žánrami v kontexte jej osobnej výpovede. Tori Freestone spolupracovala s takými ako: The Ivo Neame Quintet a Octet, Compassionate Dictatorship, Fringe Magnetic, London Jazz Orchestra, Neil Yates’ N-Circle Jazz Orchestra, Solstice, Andy Sheppard, NYJO, Creative Jazz Orchestra, Neil Yates, ‘Orquesta Timbala’ a Dave Manington Septet. Z 8 kompozícií na albume sú tri z dieolne Tori Frestone, po jednej pridali basista Dave Manington, George Gershwin, Joni Mitchell, ...Toto veľmi kreatívne a nápadom otvorené mladé trio hrajúce v obsadení saxofón-basa-bicie ešte na jazzovej scéne Európy veľmi prekvapí a poteší zároveň! ' 4* review, Slovakia
In der englischen Jazzszene hat sich Tenorsaxophonistin Tori Freestone seit mehr als 10 Jahren Respekt und Anerkennung verdient. Mit „In The Chop House“ stellt sie nun das Debüt ihres Trios vor, zu dessen Line-Up Kontrabassist Dave Manington und Schlagzeuger Tim Giles gehören. Den Hörer erwartet eine improvisationsstarke, lyrische und interaktive Saxophon-Bebop-Scheibe, die allen Beteiligten den nötigen Freiraum zur künstlerischen Entfaltung gibt. Das Album ist übrigens nach einem atmosphärischen Pub in Manchester („Mr. Thomas’ Chop House“) benannt, wo sich das Trio am Ende jeden Probetages traf. RAINER GUÉRICH 'inMusic' magazine Sep/Oct 2015, Germany
Tori Freestone ist eine englische (Tenor-) Saxophonistin, Flötistin und Geigerin, die als Sidewoman und Bandleaderin seit mehr als einem Jahrzehnt die Improvisationsszene Großbritanniens bereichert. Jetzt präsentiert sie ihr Debüt „In The Chop House“, benannt nach dem viktorianischen Pub in Manchester, wo sie mit ihren Mitmusikern Tim Giles (d) und Dave Manington (b) nach den Proben abends gern die Zeit verbringt. Das Trio kennt sich schon lang, seit dem College spielen die drei in den verschiedensten Ensembles, man vertraut sich blind und weiß um die Besonderheiten und Feinheiten im Spiel des Anderen. Freestone hat auf ihrem Album drei eigene Kompositionen wie auch von ihr arrangierte Titel anderer KomponistInnen, darunter einen Joni Mitchell Song und eine irische Ballade versammelt. „
"The trio trust each other's peculiarities and subtleties." Mane Stelzer, 14.10.2015 'Melodiva' CD News, Germany
This is the sound of a trio taking risks and having fun but underlying it all is a thoughtfulness and an innate and undemonstrative musicality built entirely upon mutual trust." (The Jazzman)
"This is not your typical jazz album, but rather the fusions of free jazz, rock oriented elements, with harmony and discord going hand in hand. There is a significant British expression at work... A promising debut." Musik an sichhttp 28/08/2015
"Varied, edgy and lyrical at the same time." Germany
"Three experienced and versatile musicians in top form.„In The Chop House“ RheinMainMagazin 10-2015, Germany
These three young jazz musicians draw so many elegant strings between melody and improvisation." 28/08/2015, Germany
"Tori Freestone's debut was well worth the wait."
Medien Info, Germany
"Loud moments of intensity and high volume to the quiet passages from folkloric-inspired soundscapes."
Digitale Jazz Zeitung, Germany
"Strong improvisation, lyrical and interactive saxophone."
In Music, Germany
"This chordless trio album puts Freestone’s strong improvisational, arranging and compositional skills on display... A well-rounded, creative musician to pay attention to."
Ottawa Citizen, Canada
"The evening was made all the more enjoyable by the intelligent programming which gave us the impressively attuned Tori Freestone Trio as the introductory act. Freestone (ts), Dave Monington (b) and Tim Giles (d) featured material from their excellent new Whirlwind release In The Chop House but also offered a specially commissioned work focused on aspects of the history of life on the Thames, including the work of the press gang. Introduced and briefly set in context by Freestone, whose cool yet passionate tenor playing evinced an engaging blend of freshly turned lyricism and shape-shifting rhythmic impetus, this moved from rubato musings reminiscent of the stark beauty of Coltrane's Alabama to strongly folk-inflected passages of dance-inflected joy. If you don't know her work, check out the Chop House session asap and relish music which merits comparison with the achievements of such diverse giants as Rollins and Marsh." Jazz Journal review of EFG London Jazz Festival Purcell Rooms performance (supporting Henri Texier)
"A saxophone trio must be a hard gig for a saxophonist: much of the weight of the music fell on Freestone's tenor. She was excellent, her playing full of fluid lyricism. There was a soft quality to her tone, recalling Garbarek at times.. It was an impressive set" London Jazz review of EFG London Jazz Festival Purcell Rooms performance (supporting Henri Texier)
"The effect of the trio, in full flight, is not unlike an updated version of an Ornette Coleman quartet approach where the leader begins but other members of the group are able to take the initiative as a direction occurs to them.,,,,This music is free in style but always melodic, probing and with a strong sense of form. Freedom within the confines of classic jazz tradition might be a suitable phrase to describe the Tori Freestone Trio" Jazz Journal review of 606 gig
"saxophonist Tori Freestone is a joy to the ears. Her tone is bathed in an opalescent glow: warm, soft, cotton wool like. In the precious ambiance of Servant Jazz Quarters, the tenorist rarely pushes the boundaries. When she does, she is gutsy and her phrasing grows thick and sturdy. She draws spacious lines, open-structured and luminous music that breathes through her interspersed phrasing" Lara Bellini review of EFG London jazz Festival performance at 'the Servants Jazz Quarters'
"Freestone ha sido para mi la gran sorpresa de este festival. Directa, sin artificio, pasional, emocional, demostró feedback con el público y no practica ese jazz sesudo que te obliga a pensar. Produce un sonido agradable (que no es lo mismo que fácil) que hace que solo quieras vitorear cada solo porque se te mete dentro y te hace mover. Vino a presentar su último trabajo" “In the chop house” recomendable al 300%.
(Translation of above) ...Freestone has been for me the grand surprise of this festival. Direct, without artifice, pasionnate, emocional, she demonstrated feedback with the public .... Producing a great sound...makes you want to cheer each solo because it gets inside you and makes you move. She came to present her recent work 'In the chop house' ...300% recommended La Laguna International Jazz Festival review (Spain)
"..bulky jazz originals that evoke a diffused sense of the aesthetics of Albert Ayler or John Surman alike, but at the same time are highly inventive, made you sit up an take notice. Freestone has caused a stir far beyond the UK...El Barranco further deepens her attitude to melodic improvisation within the jazz tradition... her irresistible, mature and strong sound in concert with her congenial partners Dave Manington and Tim Giles, gains a gripping expressivity. An impressive original and formidable trio with plenty of space between jazz and folk music" review of Leibnitz Jazz Festival JazzimBild (Austria)
"the press have acknowledged that the (Leibnitz) jazz festival has been taken seriously for a long time and given it praise....the first evening in the imposing wine cellar of Schloss proved how earnt this praise is. The Tori Freestone Trio from London played numbers from the current album El Barranco in a relaxed manner but not without suspense. Tenor saxophonist Tori Freestone, along with Dave Manington and Tim Giles in 'Cross Wired,' shared a musical thunder with a searing sound and liveliness, and played in a touching way on the melancholy seamen's song 'The Press Gang' and the sensitive narrative 'A Charmed Life.' " review of Leibnitz Jazz Festival, Keine Zeitung, Austria 30 Sep 2017
"the well-coordinated trio played varied pieces with leaps and bounds....grooving and swinging, the musicians pushed each other and opened up new space.... Freestone could always accommodate melancholy melodies of shanty and folk, with whom she grew up in London....Equally influenced by John Coltrane, Albert Ayler and Wayne Shorter, Freestone in Leer once again proved her reputation as an exceptional improviser. Her tone was full and warm, even as she set out on a furious, imaginative run. Despite her dominance, she always allowed her fellow musicians enough space to develop. They followed her into the unknown, into the unpredictable, and both Manington and Giles knew how to set remarkable accents when needed. Freestone proved in her announcements an extremely sympathetic person, thanking the team and praising the venue. The audience was impressed and received their desired encore with a soulful rendition of Joni Mitchell's 'Both Sides Now'. Christian Zeis, review of Leer jazz concert, 13/3/2018, Leer, Germany